Friday, February 1, 2008

an idea...

so far i think the best part of this blogging thing is reading the comments... i urge (and beg) you to leave one... instead of emailing us individually, crapping on our feeble attempt at this blogging thing, write one for all to laugh at, agree with or come to our defense (yeah right, we know our audience)....

for example...

"While I appreciate your effort to appease your blog readers by telling us that there will be more entries. That entry does not actually count as an entry and there have been no subsequent entries since the apology."

seriously - laughed out loud..... i will keep you anonymous, but that stuff has to be published.

good weekend to all...

need i even say GO PATS? of course i do


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

what the heck happened?

we were off and running, and then "BAM!"... nothing.... our apologies. for everyone out there (and believe it or not, there have actually been a few people that have been checking this blog -- either out of obligation, boredom, what have you..) who have been asking what the heck happened to us, we promise to be better. the abridged version of what has happened since the last post: laurie has been to and from southern california and to and from visiting the relatives in syracuse the last two weekends; while aimee has been to and from the couch, due to a nagging head cold. the running has continued to go well, as has the fundraising (only because aimee has begun reaching into people's pockets as only she can).

so, we are back to keeping the "twentysixpointtoomanymiles" fans happy and entertained, and from this day forward, we vow to take it more serious. so here it goes, getting serious.

game faces are officially on!