Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Be nervous, be very very nervous!

as some of you may recall, last blog season we had several "guest writers" who gave us insight on apparel & music, injury reports, and words of inspiration and hope. although the following entry was emailed to only a few of us, i know it applies to the hundreds and hundreds (okay 8) of twentysixpointtoomanymiles followers.

I know what you are thinking:

Did I do enough training
What will the weather be
Wind is ok as long as it is a tail wind
Will my stomach be good to me
Will my hair look good when I am covered in sweat
Will people laugh at my pale legs
Will Monday be my day
How will I feel at mile 1,2,3,4...
Will my singlet show off my eyes appropriately and match my shoes

You are not really nervous about these things at all. You are nervous because you care, because the journey you are about to finish is important to you. You are nervous because you are about to accomplish something that only a small percentage of the people on the planet will accomplish. You are nervous because you are pushing yourself to your physical limit. You are nervous because it matters. You are nervous because you are special.

Be nervous, be very very nervous!



Papa John, an 8 year member of our DFMC team, is one of this year’s injured soldiers. As you can see, instead of feeling angry, jealous, spiteful, etc. of the fact that he is unable to run this year, he passes along his love and inspiration to all of us - the true and absolute definition of a TEAMMATE.