Sunday, April 20, 2008

24 hours

funny, it's sunday. our plan was to go to the charles and see the women run the olympic trials, get up early, get coffee, get inspired. thinking about the week before, the "right" decision was made, sleep in. yeah, that worked out awesome, my eyes sprung open at 645A. so here is am watching it on the computer and thinking about all of the things i have to do today, and of course tomorrow. i've done this enough so one might think it would be old hat, but it's not, i promise you that. it does not get easier, more manageable, or less nerve-wracking. in preparation for tomorrow, my bag is packed, so since i had time i decided to looked at my self-proclaimed "things to do" (and not to do).

pedicure - yesterday... risky i know, but i came out alright, with of course lincoln park after dark.

H2O - i've become obsessed with coconut water (vita coco, found in your grocers refrigerator) the "natural rehydrator" with 660 grams of potassium. the only weird thing is it has the asparagus effect, you know what i mean right?

carbing - sure. i can't say i'm pounding pasta, but i am eating like it is my job and with that getting much exercise with all of the trips to the bathroom.

boozing - 3 drinks at red bones, that's it.

massage - visited michaela on thursday, calves are feeling fine, head is feeling better.

s*cky people - yeah, i tried, i'll leave it at that.

good people - every year the most incredible people come out of the wood works with amazing pre-race words. between the emails, cards, phone calls & of course text messages, i'm blowing up (i think that's what the kids these days say).

journal - 1 day of blogging doesn't really count i guess.

JFC - unfortunately i did not make it there this week, but i am looking SO forward to seeing Hunter and the rest of the kids tonight and tomorrow on the bridge!

shaved my legs this AM (TMI).

jock - na

chocolate - ate it.

shoes - stayed off the high ones, but i have to say walking around the house barefoot isn't less dangerous... stubbed my toe twice on the same darn thing this morning. OUCH!

phantom pains - knee twinges... oh jeez.

contrast bath - how about a hot shower, "the stick," and bio-freeze.

fundraising letter-went out on friday. my goal was to hit $10K my monday, it's looking good!

lube - if i started now that would just be weird and something i would not be talking about on this blogsite.

hugs-i have, and have, and have, and the day just started.

JACK-nothing major yet, but i'm coming for ya mister!

with all of that said, thank you for reading. the trials just finished deena castor had a come from behind effort to win. although it would have been nice to be there to cheer on our american ladies making a bid for the 2008 olympics in beijing, quite honestly i don't need them to inspire me. i get all of the inspiration i need from a 6 year old cancer patient.

on last tip or word of advice - the pasta party will give you far more than the carbs you will need to get through monday. stop-look-listen and take it all in. in 24 hours you will be running! don't be in a rush enjoy every second of it. you are about to experience something most people never will.

godspeed my running friends, see you at the finish line!
