Tuesday, December 1, 2009

DFMC 2010 - because I can.

This is the first entry of the 2010 season – the stream of consciousness - here goes.

A couple of weeks ago my hot water heater crapped out on me. Being totally overwhelmed I did what I always do – called my sister. She listened, offered her advice and of course pitied my bad luck. At the end of my bitching we chatted about family stuff. She informed me that she had spoken to my mother and that Mary’s (my cousin’s wife) sister Gina wasn’t doing well. Lung cancer. All of a sudden my hot water heater didn’t seem like such a big deal.
The next day I dealt with my water heater.
That same day Gina died.
I’ve run once since the Maine Marathon in October, not because I don’t want to – but because I really don’t think I can. Acetabular issues.
So last week I went to see my girl Lynn (http://mulrenanpt.com) the best PT in the biz. She created me a program, to work the small muscles in and around the hip (of course not the “big” macho ones).
Hip abduction http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/HipAbductor/CBHipAbduction.html
Sans cable (because apparently I’m not so tough)
And something she calls “sexy curve.” Unfortunately (or fortunately) there is no video clip, but it’s a small movement that starts standing with one foot on top of the other then you kick out your hip and straighten up. I’d make the video but it is so far from sexy when I do it.

I feel lame.
I feel pressure.
But more important, I feel like I’d better get my ass going on this remedial workout, because I trust Lynn will get me to the Hopkinton in 4 months and 17 days.

I don’t have to remind my DFMC teammates that the start line is only the beginning - Gina was only 50.

Keep running, even when you think you can’t.
Because you can.

PS – thank you Lynn for adding in squats, if for nothing else, my ego. I love you!