Sunday, May 4, 2008

a note from a stranger

i wanted to share this a while ago, but i wasn't sure if i should (i'm not sure why). back in early april i got an email (and a donation) from someone who had found me through Hunter's caringbridge site.
april 5
hi Laurie, I 'know' of Hunter and her family through a close friend here in Franklin, from time to time I see Katie with the girls out around town. Quick story: During summers in Franklin, the school system holds little classes in fun subjects for the young children. I was rushing to 'Creative Chef's' on day one, my 5 yr old decides to tell me he has to pee - NOW. My 7 yr old yells at him, I yell at both of them - no parking spots of course. Drag everyone across the stupid parking lot to the stupid school for stupid summer class. Ugh. I am really needing Starbucks and a break. Then I spot Katie. She was walking in with one daughter and carrying a sleeping, bald Hunter. Calm and content, all of them. I felt one inch high. I look down at my fighting children and despite biting my tongue, the tears start. How could I be so selfish and foolish all at once. Lump in my throat, I kiss my girl goodbye, and off I go with the boy. I never held his hand so tight. I never wanted to get back for pickup so quick. I KNOW all the things about being grateful and thankful and not sweating small stuff. To get caught off guard by a moment like that -Took my breath away. I thank God for those moments, and I have carried that one around since. In the midst of her illness, Hunter teaches all of us who barely know her. In the midst of being her mother, Katie teaches those of us who look at her with awe and wonder and unending hope. So thank you for doing what you will do on that Monday. Please accept my donation and all the thoughts and energy that go along with it. I will be working at the marathon that morning while you are stepping off in Hopkinton, (I'm a police officer in a nearby town). I will think of you all and again, like every year, I will ponder ... 'hmm. maybe next year I will actually DO this thing!!!". So take good care of yourself, and rock it hard!!

amazing, right...

after the marathon i got this one.
april 23
Best of luck to you in your life, your job, your world! What you do is wonderful for those affected by that horrid disease. I know all that good karma you give will be coming back to you over the year!

i responded back for ALL of us and told her we would continue doing this until we can't, but what i should have said was that we will continue to do it until we don't have to. thank you CMR, please keep in touch!

april 20, 2009 isn't that far away friends.
hmmm, maybe i'll go for a run tomorrow.