Friday, April 5, 2013

3 years ago i was a blogger

DFMC Friends - Something great happened recently… I found this blog.  Yes, it’s my blog which, for the last 2-3 years, I’ve only used for the purpose of selling my training shirts.  This of course explains how I stumbled back on it.  However this time I wasn’t in such a rush to post and be done for another 365 days, I actually re-read a bunch of posts.  I laughed, I cried, but mostly I got pissed.  Apparently my life is so f-ing busy that I can’t sit down and write about the craziness of life, training and everything else that goes along with this DFMC journey.  Once upon a time I actually posted stuff that was pretty good, (like the To Do’s and To Don’t’s - which will reappear later) it was mostly random but entertaining nonetheless.
The last time I posted something that WASN’T training shirt related or the aforementioned To Do’s and To Don’ts was December 2009 which of course makes sense, I mean not much has happened in that last 3 years…
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 - “A couple of weeks ago my hot water heater crapped out on me. Being totally overwhelmed I did what I always do – called my sister. She listened, offered her advice and of course pitied my bad luck. At the end of my bitching we chatted about family stuff. She informed me that she had spoken to my mother and that Mary’s (my cousin’s wife) sister Gina wasn’t doing well. Lung cancer. All of a sudden my hot water heater didn’t seem like such a big deal.
The next day I dealt with my water heater.
That same day Gina died.”
After that Tuesday I only blogged 2 more times and while I’m sure I sold a lot of shirts, I never mention that a week or so later my closest dearest Uncle Paul was diagnosed with cancer.  And the following May he died.  I didn’t talk about how my sister got seriously injured 30 days before the marathon in 2010, yet lined up at the starting line anyway.  She did it for my uncle and got through it because of him.  That year over 4,000 registered runners either didn’t show up or didn’t finish.  She ran and it hurt (A LOT) but like those battling cancer, especially my uncle, quitting was not an option. 
Last year with the temperature in the 90s my teammates and I (4 months post-partum, oh yeah *that* happened during my 3 year blog absence) were not only given the option to defer but it was strongly suggested by the BAA.  On April 16th we all showed up and we all ran.  It was hot, it was ugly, we didn’t PR but quitting was not an option.
This spirit epitomizes the reasons why we run for Dana-Farber.  We will not quit because we are not done.

don't quit