Tuesday, March 17, 2009

another one in the books...

viewers - i'm curious how you celebrated Evacuation Day?
did you reflect on what the holiday means to you?
i know for some it meant evacuating their bed to stand in line at the Black Rose - at 530A. for others it meant evacuating the track before even getting to run a lap. and for a few it meant evacuating the green from their pocket for the red at the bone (yeah i know - that makes no sense - it's late - clearly any interesting, humorous and rational thought has evacuated my brain). but here's the question -
does anyone out there even know why we bostonians observe Evacuation Day? if you don't here's your history lesson for the day, the holiday commemorates the evacuation of British forces from our city after an 11-month siege early in the American Revolutionary War.
Good stuff, although it could have been better if i had had the day off. but seriously you can't beat them beantown (only) holidays, evac day, bunker hill day and of course in less than 5 weeks PATRIOTS DAY. ah, it is great to be a bostonian...

SO marathon monday (here's where we tie in the running part) in case you didn't know, the baa has posted the bib numbers - YOUR bib number. what does that mean? in 34 days my friends we'll be pinning that number on our singlet, lacing up our trainers and setting out on our journey.

on april 20th we will evacuation hopkinton to do battle - fighting our way to boston. 26.2 miles. wow.
are you ready?

RUN on friends - tick tock!

oh yeah - happy st. patrick's day!