Wednesday, January 16, 2008

how on earth do i follow aimee's post? right now i could bust into a blogging hugfest (would that be a "blugfest"?), but i won't as aimee's talents and accomplishments will come out as we run forward. however aimee, i thank you for the kind words (nazi - kind word, hmmm... ;-)) and if i can say, i can't wait for the day when i walk into the locker room ready for that run and without batting an eye (or having that LONG internal conversation) you will say "firehouse!?!" and i will say, "yeah, sure but let's add a rez." oh yeah, it's coming my friend.

the run today - from my point of view, was great.... how could it not have been, i fueled up with 4 cups of coffee, hadn't eaten since 830A and it was a balmy 32 degrees out. i'm not kidding about that, but it was in fact a good run. we banged out a "firehouse" on a chilly but beautiful light-wind-sun-shining day. the miles flew by since we chatted the whole time, clearly a conversation of the "good" variety as next thing we know, we're done. yesssssss! i don't care what any running "yahoo" says, the best part of running is being done. not only because of the miles logged for training, or time/pace improvement from a previous run but because you can eat and drink anything you want for the remainder of the day. my good people, that is the "post-run celebration," whether you ran (or walked) 1 mile, 10 or 26.2, you've earned the right to celebrate yourself. makes you wanna lace up the old trainers doesn't it?

i need to sign-off because it's super late, but before i do i must prepare you for a few days without me. i'm heading west for the long weekend (happy b-day MLK). i tell you this not because i think you will miss me but because i'm trying to make you jealous. picture this, i'm running along the pacific coast highway, it's 70 degrees out, i'm in shorts and a t-shirt, iPod cranking, all while taking in sights of west coast. call me a running geek if you want but i am SO looking forward to saturdays jaunt. (and i'm pretty sure the aforementioned celebration on the santa monica pier won't be so bad either! no, not bad at all). if i can find a computer, i promise i will tell you how fabulous it was, the run that is (you can hear about the rest of my trip on my other blogspot...kidding... seriously, i'm kidding!).

2 finishing thoughts...

FIRST, the weekend forecast for boston:

friday - rain (high 40/low 24)

saturday - partly cloudy (high 36/low 18)

patriots sunday - partly cloudy & windy (high 23/low 7) GO PATS!

AND words from Martin Luther King, Jr (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968)

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others? Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little."

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