Wednesday, April 2, 2008

B is for Butt!

as always when i arrive to work in the AM i go through/clear out the stupid amount of emails i get during the few hours i am not here. it is crazy that Boston College's spam filter doesn't pick up the most blatant stuff. it's a good thing you can't actually increase your size or longevity just by opening an email, because i'd be frickin' HUGE (for hours....YIKES). in any event, among all of the viagra emails, there is one from katie with the most recent update to hunters CaringBridge site which she wrote after after yesterday visit to the Jimmy Find Clinic.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 9:44 PM EDT
We had clinic today and we've now officially got just 12 weeks left of treatment! (OK it's not "we", it's "she" - you see how I make this all about me? Good right? You like that?)

Anyway, chemo was pretty much uneventful. We had some visitors which was fun. Suzanne, the liaison at Dana Farber for the Taco Bell fundraiser, came to visit and meet Hunter. She asked how old the girls were, and then asked when Taylor would be four. Hunter answered, "on her birthday." (Seriously, I think she thinks grownups are sometimes just so dumb...)

Suzanne also brought the girls pink Red Sox baseball hats, which they loved. On the way home, Hunter announced, "My hat has a B on it. B for Busy."

I said, "well yes, busy does begin with B, but that B is for Boston - it's a Red Sox hat."

She replied, "B for Busy. Busy kicking cancer's BUTT! B is for Butt too." (Hysterical giggles and more "B is for Butt" followed.)

I nearly drove off the road trying to stifle my laughing. I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at a Red Sox hat again without thinking, "B is for Butt."

i quite sure mike, hunter's dad, will get a lot of mileage out of that one....
MAJOR yankee fan.....


Anonymous said...

I like how you managed to work Viagra into a post about my kid. ;)

twentysixpointtoomanymiles said...

funny, Katie... and now that I think about it, the topic of Viagra came up last night over a few beers, after our DFMC track workout. issues???!!! heck yeah.

B is for BUTT!

- aimee

Unknown said...

I'm not going near that Viagra topic. "B" trumps "V"

Busy in Boston drinking Beer and kicking cancer's Butt - has a nice ring to it!!!