Monday, April 14, 2008

To Do's & To Don'ts....

here goes ladies and gents.... with 7 days to go i, as a 10 year vet of this crazy game of marathoning, want to impart some wisdom (stop snickering). with that said here goes nothin'....

ladies, if you haven't gotten a pedicure go NOW and go DARK, do not wait another day. Not only will you not want anyone touching those toes the week after, you don't want to see whats going on under that polish.

drink water - OBVI - but if you aren't use to drinking a lot, you'll shock your system if you start pounding it sunday afternoon.

don't over carb early in the week, cause you'll just feel like crap. with that said, don't do anything that different to your diet at this stage. however, you might want to stay away from the fried food, or barbeque, or anything else you can get at red bones.

cool the boozin' monday, wednesday, thursday, friday & saturday.

go for a good, hard 10 mile run on thursday - KIDDING.... just wanted to see if you were paying attention.

rub it down (i said DOWN)... get a massage - and may i suggest my girl michaela she ROCKS the muscles like no other and has probably made a pain-free arrival to the start line possible for this old gal. (i love love love you girl!) if you need references, all members of the twentysixpointoomanymiles staff have seen her at least once with the last 5 days.

rid your week (all 7 days of it) of people who s*ck.

surround yourself with people who will pump you up. let them tell you how great you are, because you are (well, most of you).

journal this last week so you can look back and laugh at how freakin' nervous you were.

if you can, take a trip to the JFC, there a a lot of kids there you won't see at mile 25. if you need any inspiration at all you will certainly get it there.

gals - don't wait until monday AM to shave (or wax), tight clothes, sweat, rubbing, you get what i'm saying, right?

guys - please pack your jock. shorts optional.

(i can't believe i'm going to write this one) jack says stay away from chocolate... well what he actually says is keep the sugar intake low.... sorry jack, chocolate is love.

stay close to the ground... meaning your shoes... stay off the stiletto's - no question they are hot especially for you dudes in skirts, but this will be the week you fall off of them.

don't freak if out of the blue you have a joint or muscle pain, they're called phantom pains, it's in your head, you are fine.

but if not, there is always the contrast bath, from heat to ice. heat, stretch & rub, then plop yourself into an ice bath.... just ask matt how small, i mean good it is.

for crying out loud, send out your fundraising letter (oops, i think/hope that just applies to me)

on monday lube lube lube EVERYWHERE! your nipples (boys) & sports bra (girls), belly button, crotchal region, armpits, toes, thighs, you name it, just vas the crap out of yourself, and for goodness sake, don't be modest. but if you are just yell out "no one look over here i'm lubing!" that'll definitely keep people from peeking.

hug as many people as you can, actually just hug fast people, it'll make you faster by osmosis.

and last but seriously not least, talk to jack if you are not feeling "right," body or head... i've called on him for 10 years now. not only will he talk you off the ledge, he will give you the necessary & magical information that will make monday, april 21st one of the best days of your life. i promise. we love ya jack!

7 days.... GULP....
taper on friends


twentysixpointtoomanymiles said...

love it, love it, love it.... gotta get my sleep on, but I'll be back tomorrow with my rebuttals.

in the meantime, tomorrow is Tuesday, which means: bad ass stilettos, crazy conversations with crazy friends, pulled pork, okra and about 8 mich ultras. fingers crossed that I don't wipe out, like I have somehow managed to do alot lately. sober.


peace out.

Unknown said...

Hey L,

I love you guys/gals too (A & B). All DFMCers actually -

And thanks for 'yer kind words - especially meaningful on a blog:-)

And as for chocolate - did I ever say to abstain? I've been misquoted.

EVERYTHING - in moderation:-)

Especially this Tuesday evening!

C ya'll soon.


twentysixpointtoomanymiles said...

TWIST MY ARM...ok, one more ultra. home at 10:30, instead of 9pm like originally intended. gosh darn it. but all well worth it. good friends, good fun.

and most importantly, great inappropriate stool samples from Vermont for the world's b*llsiest coach.

photo proof of it tomorrow!

good work, Whitcomb.
