Monday, March 23, 2009

my day at the donigan

i need to preface this with - i should be sleeping right now, but i can't let this day pass with out sharing something really special... last year, march 26th, 2008, i went to the DFCI Jimmy Fund Clinic to decorate the pasta party patient partner poster with Hunter - one year ago to the day.
last sunday, March 22nd, i made my way to the Donigan house for this years poster decorating extravaganza. all i can say, what a difference a year makes! this day last year we were surrounded by beeping machines, shuffling nurses and doctors, a lot of laughter, and unfortunately too many tears. THIS year there were SIX healthy girls (yes i'm including katie and i in that number - not the cats), shuffling about, drawing, gluing, cutting, sticking, and yes - laughing. there were no tears, except maybe after i left katie to deal with 3.5 sugar coated kids, because i thought it would be a GREAT idea to bring whoopie pies over and eat them 5 minutes before making the grand exit... sorry katie ;-)!
what an incredible day - all i can say is not only does the poster kick ass, but the bond between us ALL grew even stronger. seeing that poster on the 19th will be great, but seeing Hunter and the rest of the Donigan's will be even more special!

i'm thankful beyond words that i didn't have to go to the JFC to do our poster - Hunter is cancer free... let's say it again CANCER FREE... one more time, on your own, as loud as you can. CANCERF-INGFREE! feels good doesn't it.

before i say good night i want to mention one more thing - last year when i blogged i talked about my experience at the JFC (which was hilarious). i also urged you all to swing in and visit the kids and their parents who are there for treatment. although we are not the docs and nurses who are giving them the best care in the world, nor are we the investigators who spend hours in the lab giving them hope, and believe it or not we aren't famous athletes, or TV anchors who offer them brief moments of excitement and entertainment. who we are, ARE their teammates and they are our inspiration. go visit, go now, it will change your life.

with that, good night (it's after the 26th - but don't hold it against me).
we're almost there - dig in, be smart, stay healthy and keep having fun.
and for goodness sake celebrate how fricken' far you've come...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

also love your version of the "F" bombs in your post.

And all your other humorous advise and counsel to the team - Great Stuff!!!!

tick - tock!!!!