Thursday, April 9, 2009

back by popular demand - To Do's and To Don'ts

so here goes - in an effort not to be lazy and just cut & paste last years entry i have re-written some of the thoughts below, added some things i forgot last year, and of course made some additional editorial comments. ENJOY or be very scared!
ladies and gents.... with just 9 days to go, i, as an 11 year vet of this crazy game of marathoning, want to impart some wisdom (baaahaaahaaa) on what to do and what not to do during these last few days before your 26.2 mile jaunt from Hopkinton to Boston. they are in no particular order, so here goes....

ladies, if you haven't gotten a pedicure, go NOW and go DARK, do not wait another day. if you're thinking "it can wait 'till after" think again. trust me, you will not want anyone touching those tootsies the week after. not to mention, you don't want to see whats going on under that polish nor does the person who has to go to work on them - there's no tip large enough to put another human through that.

suggestion -

drink water - pretty obvious, right? but here's the deal, if you aren't in the habit of drinking a lot of H2O, pounding it sunday afternoon will shock your system -BAD news!
don't over carb early in the week, not only is it not necessary, it'll just make you feel like crap

continuing that same idea, don't do anything drastically different to your diet or supplement intake. like, um, taking iron pills or going vegan. with that said, you might want to stay away from the fried food, excess sugar and big macs - then again ....
cool the boozin' monday, tuesday, wednesday, friday & saturday. sunday night on the other hand, you may need a glass of wine to help you sleep. HA! you could drink the bottle, you're still not going to be able to sleep

go for a good, hard 10 mile run on thursday - KIDDING.... just wanted to see if you were paying attention

rub it down - get a massage or 2 or as many as you can fit in. it'll rock the muscles and help to relax you for sure. just one thought - if you're thinking you could really use a good hard one, i mean who couldn't, go before wednesday, because if it's any good - Michaela or Gordon style - you'll be feeling it the next day

don't go food shopping in flip flops - you can't control someone else carriage - exhibit A - i almost ran over my sister's foot today post pedicure - not cool
rid your world of people who suck this week - i mean it. surround yourself with people who will pump you up, help calm you down, and who make you feel not just good but great, because you are

if you haven't already, start a journal - not a blog - a personal journal for you and you alone. it'll allow you to look back and laugh at how freakin' nervous, excited, anxious, etc. you were. you can't get these feeling and emotions back but writing them down will allow you to visit them whenever you want

listen to the JACKISM's - less is more - the hay's in the barn - the pennies are in the bank! if you do not run another step between now and the 20th, you're going to be fine. the objective is to "roll up to the starting line {insert jack hands here} feeling loose"
take a trip to the JFC if you can, there a a lot of kids there you won't see at mile 25. if you need any inspiration at all you will certainly get it there.

gals (and some of you dudes) - don't wait until monday AM to shave, and if you wax - go soon - but go (another event that it awkwardly awful post-marathon). in either case, tight clothes, sweat, rubbing, UGH!

guys - last year i reminded you pack your jock. some people may have found it obnoxious, but i'm not apologizing. pack your damn jock - hang it on the door knob - sleep in it, just make sure you have it. from what i'm told, that's not something you guys "pack an extra just in case," not to mention guys wouldn't share that stuff, would they? GROSS!

Gel/GU/Hammer/Blocks/Beans & Gatorade - if you haven't trained with them, don't go grabbing one at mile 17. it might help - but then again it might NOT and who knows how long the line at the fire station will be when it wants out - fast and furiously

(i can't believe i'm going to write this one) jack says stay away from chocolate (well what he actually says is keep the sugar intake low) but what does he know ;-), chocolate makes me happy

stay close to the ground... your shoes... stay off the stiletto's - no question they are hot especially since it is finally skirt weather (not today of course), but this will be the week you fall off of them

get yourself a red hot DFMC training shirt at the pasta party - all the cool kids are doing it

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ - get them! try to get as much good quality sleep as you can this week
wash it twice - if you are going to wear new ANYTHING - socks, shorts, sports bra, shorts - whatever wash it first, and twice if necessary

don't freak if out of the blue you have a joint or muscle pain, it's called phantom pains, they are in your head, you are fine. but if not, there is always the contrast bath, from heat to ice. heat (hot shower or light cardio), stretch, rub/roll/stick, then plop yourself into an ice bath.... just ask matt how small, i mean good it is for you

for crying out loud, send out your damn fundraising letter (yup that one's for me)

and "Oh Evan, thank you for bringing that lube" (Super Bad, you know the scene i'm sure) on monday you're gonna need it EVERYWHERE! your nipples (boys) & sports bra (girls), belly button, crotchal region, armpits, toes, thighs, you name it, just vas the crap out of yourself, and for goodness sake, don't be modest. but if you are, just yell out "no one look over here i'm lubing!" that'll definitely keep people from peeking

hug as many people as you can, actually just hug fast people, it'll make you faster by osmosis

and last but seriously not least, if you are not feeling "right" physically or mentally... reach out to jack (but remember you will be 1 out of over the 140 emails he receives daily). i've leaned on him for 11 years now. it doesn't matter how experienced you think you are, he can talk you off the ledge and he'll give you the necessary & magical information that will make monday, april 20th one of the best days of your life. i promise. we love ya jack!

9 days.... GULP....

taper on friends


Linds said...

yet another year, thank you laur :)

Ashley Runs for a Cure said...

thanks for helping me chill out and figure some things out. your post meant alot:)

Jack-san said...

Love you too Laur - & everyone on the team of course.

and what the hell - 'let them eat chocolate''s Easter after all - peepers and chocolate bunnies - YUM!

And of course, Great tips, too!

N.D. said...

That was great to read! And got me excited! Ya!! thanks!

TB Rambo said...

Fantastic advice!! Good luck on Marathon Monday! Wish I was there this year. I'm going to London instead but next year I hope to be back!

Have fun on Monday!