Monday, January 14, 2008

and that's how it started.....

sarah nixon ( this first post is for you, for... well... i'm not going to say "guilting" us into creating this blog site, but definitely taking advantage of our exhausted state of being (throwing it out there as we were charging up johnny kelley's hill trying to keep up with you) . for some reason when we got to heartbreak hill, looking at the back of your head, we thought, yeah , that blogging thing might be kind of cool.... we'll just see about that ;-).

so here goes our blogging and of course running journey.

for any on lookers out there, this will be a 2 person effort. those 2 people being aimee mcguire wainwright and laurie nahigian. we are dana-farber marathon challenge runners, aimee for 2 years and laurie for 10. we will both be contributing to this, together and separately. as time goes on you will know who is writing when, even if we don't identify ourselves - aimee will most likely use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation and laurie will... well... not. either way or both together we hope you will tackle these mile with us, laughing or crying.

about DFMC, the short version (see for more info), we run to raise money for critical cancer research done at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. "The DFMC directs 100% of funds raised to the Barr Program, which enables scientists at the leading edge of discovery to achieve better cure rates and to enhance patients’ quality of life." this year our teams' goal is to raise $4.5 million dollars in an effort to ultimately find a cure for cancer.

so back to our personal journeys, with 3 months and 6 days to go, you will have the honor and privilege to take it with us - - no, seriously, we'll owe you for reading this (our dads will have the checks in the mail soon). we will try to keep it as entertaining as possible, light and funny (if laurie is doing the writing), long and over spoken (yet perfectly punctuated if aimee is posting).

with that said, enjoy the read, we will be back soon. but until then..

run on good friends!

(oh wait, that's our job)


Paula said...

I can't wait to read this but most of all, I can't wait to come down to Boston and go for a few runs with you two - miss running with you both! PB

Anonymous said...

Well considering your speed and my lack thereof, this will probably be the only way for me to join you on a run. Thanks for the invite. :)

Anonymous said...

P.S. I like this arrangement. I'll sit here with a Fat Weasel Ale and watch YOU run. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Ladies!!! I love the fact that I can virtually train with you through reading your blog! I hope to join you for a long run sometime in March! Miss you both!!

sarah said...

two good runners, two clever women...what a treat it will be to read your posts!!

Kerry deshazo said...

"long and over spoken"...McGuire? I have never heard (or read) a description of you put so eloquently!!! I can't wait to read about your adventures. Good luck training and be safe!

Unknown said...

Way to go! Welcome to the 21st century. It's all about blogging these days---
You should set up a myspace page then add all your friends to facebook as well!

Enjoy the ride (run) to Boston.

You make us proud every year and I am sure this year will be no different!
Good luck with your training

Unknown said...

Ps-- Did I tell you I have a blog of my own already?

You need to add your pictures on this!!

Nitram said...


Track, pulled pork, beer, DMSO... what's the real formula for success? Great workout. See you for the long run on Saturday.


Unknown said...

All of them are (or can be) part of the formula for success. But essentially it is that our gals are not afraid of good hard work.

You Go Girls!!!

CU soon ~ J