Wednesday, January 30, 2008

what the heck happened?

we were off and running, and then "BAM!"... nothing.... our apologies. for everyone out there (and believe it or not, there have actually been a few people that have been checking this blog -- either out of obligation, boredom, what have you..) who have been asking what the heck happened to us, we promise to be better. the abridged version of what has happened since the last post: laurie has been to and from southern california and to and from visiting the relatives in syracuse the last two weekends; while aimee has been to and from the couch, due to a nagging head cold. the running has continued to go well, as has the fundraising (only because aimee has begun reaching into people's pockets as only she can).

so, we are back to keeping the "twentysixpointtoomanymiles" fans happy and entertained, and from this day forward, we vow to take it more serious. so here it goes, getting serious.

game faces are officially on!


Anonymous said...

Why do I run? I've run eight marathons, working on my ninth this April 21st (the good Lord willing). I ran my first one because it was on my list of things to do in life. I ran my second because I said "I'll never do that again" the second I crossed the finish line at my first and wanted to prove myself wrong. I ran my third because I was living in Europe and running in Amsterdam seemed like a pretty cool idea, given the upside of "recovering" in Amsterdam (for medicinal purposes only). I then got married, had two children, and took 5 years last year I ran 5 marathons to "catch up." So, you could look at my history and say I have a running problem, or some kind of problem that I seek to exorcise through running. I run to keep myself sane. I run to get out of the house. I run so that I can drink beer and eat all of the fried okra, chicken wings and pulled pork that I want to. I run to meet other people just as crazy and messed up as I am. I'll close by reminding anyone lame enough to still be reading this that no one asked me why I run. But who asked you? Ha!!!!

tyler513 said...

Welcome back! I was starting to get worried

I missed you guys.

twentysixpointtoomanymiles said...

to Anonymous,

NO ONE ASKED YOU! get your own damn blog if you want to tell the world that you ran 5 marathons last year! get off our blog!

p.s. looking forward to more fried okra and beers...and definitely more Martin stories.

twentysixpointtoomanymiles said...

hey anonymous - don't listen to her... silly little rookie! i THANK YOU for your comments....
ps - i wasn't out for fried okra, pulled pork, wings or beer but i still know who you are! and about that post-track workout meal.... thank you for making my "celebrate every run" argument! you want in on this blog thing... aimee, laurie & anonymous red bones man.

Red Bone said...

Speaking of Martin stories, he came over last night to watch the "big game" with my dad and I. So far, our track record together is pretty poor. He came over last year to watch the Pats/Indy game (AFC Championship). I will ask Martin to stay home during playoff time next year.

-Red Bone

twentysixpointtoomanymiles said...

I think I'm really enjoying learning more about Martin and any & all stories that go along with him... entertaining to say the least. On another note, Jack has guilted me into missing the Beanpot tonight and going to do his track workout. Damn it. But after a few glasses of wine the last two nights, skipping out on beers at the Garden is probably a smart move. BC better beat the damn Terriers tonight, that's all I gotta say. GET IT DONE.

Nitram said...

I've seen a lot of this Martin dude and have plenty of stories to share
So, let me say, they all end the same, in heartbreak and despair
You'll run in circles, drink his beer, laugh in the bars without a care
But watch out girls he runs for fun but favors the swift and fair