Tuesday, February 19, 2008

DFMCers in the house...

perhaps i am making a bold assumption, but i think we may have some new spectators to the blog as a direct result of the mass DFMC team-only training shirt email that i sent out last night. as aimee said this morning, "do you realize that you have exposed our blog to the entire team!?!" GULP!

for all of you "twentysixpointtoomanymiles" blogspot first-timers, our "regulars" (all 6 of them!) can attest, we are really bad bloggers. i mean, really bad. or maybe we are just really lazy. regardless, hopefully knowing that we could potentially have hundreds of new viewers on a daily basis will keep us actively writing, wouldn't that be great?!? running friends from us to you, if you want to make it to april 21st... don't hold your breath between entries!

a brief background, because as some of you may find, you have to look out of curiosity (kind of like a car wreck). if you stay and read, please know that for the most part, the purpose of this blog is NOT to tell you how many miles we are running, or how we did in a race we participated in, nor is it a place where we will get super sentimental (however, we may, but if we make you cry we will follow it up with a reason to laugh. promise). we have welcomed/encouraged ALL of our viewers to be guest bloggers; a couple of people have already taken us up on this nice offer(we've posted 1 out of 3. please read about red bones' privates below).

what else can i say, it's only tuesday and we've already posted... log that in the record book. oh yes, one more thing.... in less than 24 hours the response to the training shirts is unbelievable already. i have ordered some, so my plan to get them out within 3 weeks looks feasible. finally, MUCH NEEDED THANK YOU'S to dave sho (yes i know i should have pre-ordered 2 weeks ago), leah & primetime (thank you for your patience when dave had none), abby (i can't promise the questions & confusions will stop) ben! ben! ben! (you saved me 2 weeks of entering all 543 email addresses... with that said if you feel like you've been "spammed" blame ben... ;-) !).

so with that said, read on, have fun, keep running april 21st is only a few weeks away!


Anonymous said...

Helloooooo Lazy Bloggers - quit posting about what bad bloggers you are and write something already, dudes!

Can I bribe you with a Fat Weasel Ale?

twentysixpointtoomanymiles said...

make it more than A fat weasel and we'll talk! we can have a few and then blog.... now that would be genius!

Anonymous said...

Is that the 2008 version of Drunk Dialing? Blotto Blogging?