Wednesday, February 6, 2008

a short retort

after red bones submitted the male side of the “support” spectrum, the plan was to write a witty comeback about women and the beloved sports bra. pages and pages could have been published on the binding, and the chafing and above all else, the formation of the NEVER-sexy UNIBOOB. clearly that “plan” never panned out, so no excuses will be made for the lack of post, just an apology to any women out there that needed us to be your platform for comfort, support & sex appeal and the impossibilities of such a thing when talking about or actually wearing a sports bra. (please do read the comments posted by kerry to red bones "lack of support" blog, in a way, she kind of did our job for us).

if you’re asking yourself, “why now? why, after over a week, do you feel it necessary to chime in?” well readers, the answer is this, we heard the whole story. last tuesday night after a track workout at tufts, a group of us ventured to red bones in davis square. at red bones, by red bones, the unedited, unabridged, TWISTED story was revealed. after what was unveiled, the conclusion came that any comment made (spoken or blogged), comparing men and women relative to the jock strap and the sports bra as they relate to injury of the goods would not be right.
men v. women – on the subject of support apparatus’


in any case, Red Bones one word my friend: O U C H ! and with that, one request: next time you want to indulge us in a story like that with such great detail, can it start after more than a single michelob ultra and 3 bites of pulled pork have been ingested. that was at least a 5 beers ( & maybe a shot) kinda story. and under no circumstances should there be pulled anything on the table.


as an aside, i think most women will agree that the construction of the sports bra is fine. there are so many out there, in all shapes, colors and styles so for that we have a leg up on the fellas. however, i would beg that these bra building companies do something about that sexy-factor…. it would be to the benefit of all, women and men. in a bizarre way (i would say twisted, but that would be wrong) some of us find jock straps cute. from a woman’s (or man’s) perspective there is nothing “cute” about the single pancaked aforementioned uniboob.

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