Monday, February 4, 2008

yet another idea...

guest bloggers....

since we are seemingly doing a below average job of keeping up, why don't you the viewers punch in. we have one person on board, ready and willing (perhaps a bit too willing which could prove to be a bit dicey) so how about being the next and then the next after that. you do not have to be a DFMCer, and you don't have to talk about running but you certainly can. our mission here is to do our part in the fight against cancer. any stories, thoughts, memories, light or heavy hearted please share. if you are interested in posting something through "twentysixpointtoomanymiles," and we truly hope you are (not because you are getting us off the hook) please email us at and we will get your thoughts out there (and keep you anonymous if you want).

i like it.... i like it a lot.

red bones you're up.

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