Monday, March 31, 2008

are you going up?

For you non-runners out there, one of the ways to estimate how far into the training season your spouse, significant other, friend is into his/her training for the Boston Marathon is to gauge their response to inane things that other people do that affect them. Case in point. Today, not once but twice I was riding in the elevator going up to my office. Both times the elevator stopped on a floor that was not mine and people were standing in front of the doors as they opened. Neither time did a single person get on the elevator. In fact, the second time someone actual got on, looked at the arrow pointing up and said, "Oh, you're going up?" Now, I was not in the hall to see if both the up and down buttons had been pushed, but I can guarantee you that these people thought that the elevator would come more quickly if they pushed both buttons. My experience was made more frustrating by the fact that the elevators in question do not have a close door button. I was forced to stand in the elevator, making my ride longer, shooting poison arrows with my eyes at these people until the doors closed. To make matters worse, the second time that it happened, Mr. "Are you going up?" was on the SECOND FLOOR. Use the stairs for crying out loud, down is the easier direction you know! So, all you non-runners try this experiment on your loved ones and measure their reaction. It will tell you a lot about how close to April 21 you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Then again, imagine if your on the elevator by yourself, the door opens and someone of the opposite sex asks, with a smile on his/her face, "Going down?"

Would that be so bad? :-)

Something to think about!